Outboard Service Prices
Whether it's a major service, a winterisation or even a pre-season inspection for your outboard or inboard engines. At Service n Repair we pride ourselves on remembering our customers requirements and budgets, which is why we offer 3 different levels of servicing - basic, intermediate and full. Here at Service n Repair we recommend having a full service once a year to fully ensure that your outboard or inboard engine is running to it's optimum efficiency, we do also appreciate low hours or light usage will result in the need for a smaller service.

All Our Prices Exclude VAT And Are Plus Parts
Two Stroke Outboard Engine
< 3.5 hp ..................................... £48.00
4-6 hp ..................................... £46.00
8-15 hp ..................................... £68.00
20-35 hp ..................................... £76.00
40-60 hp..................................... £88.00
70-120 hp .....................................£95.00
135-250 hp ...................................£101.00
> 250 hp .......................................POA
< 3.5 hp ..................................... £73.00
4-6 hp ..................................... £85.00
8-15 hp ..................................... £92.00
20-35 hp ..................................... £101.00
40-60 hp..................................... £113.00
70-120 hp .....................................£125.00
135-250 hp ...................................£158.00
> 250 hp .......................................POA
< 3.5 hp ..................................... £92.00
4-6 hp ..................................... £104.00
8-15 hp ..................................... £113.00
20-35 hp ..................................... £134.00
40-60 hp..................................... £146.00
70-120 hp .....................................£170.00
135-250 hp ...................................£244.00
> 250 hp .......................................POA
Four Stroke Outboard Engine
Full + Carb
< 3.5 hp ..................................... £48.00
4-6 hp ..................................... £60.00
8-15 hp ..................................... £68.00
20-35 hp ..................................... £76.00
40-60 hp..................................... £88.00
70-120 hp .....................................£95.00
135-250 hp ...................................£101.00
> 250 hp .......................................POA
< 3.5 hp ..................................... £73.00
4-6 hp ..................................... £85.00
8-15 hp ..................................... £92.00
20-35 hp ..................................... £101.00
40-60 hp..................................... £113.00
70-120 hp .....................................£125.00
135-250 hp ...................................£158.00
> 250 hp .......................................POA
< 3.5 hp ..................................... £109.00
4-6 hp ..................................... £117.00
8-15 hp ..................................... £135.00
20-35 hp ..................................... £147.00 + £81.00
40-60 hp..................................... £165.00 + £98.00
70-120 hp .....................................£183.00 + £108.00
135-250 hp ...................................£256.00 + POA
> 250 hp .......................................POA + POA
Mercruiser Full Service
Four Stroke Engines First Service
Up to 9.9 hp .............................. £36.00
15 + hp ..................................... £55.00
4 Cylinder .............................. £147.00
V6 ....................................... £196.00
V8 ....................................... £227.00
Outboard Engine
Up to 9.9 hp ............................. £49.00
15-60 hp ................................... £74.00
70+ hp ....................................... £92.00
(Free with full service)
Inboard Engine
All Inboards .............................. £110.00
(Free with a full service)
Any additional work carried out will be charged at our normal labour rate of £55.00+vat per hour, customers will be notified before any further work is carried out.
Carry Out Health Check
Water Pump Inspection
Replace Impellor
Remove Propeller
Dress Propeller
Grease Splines
Pressure Test Gearbox
Change Gearbox Oil
Lubricate Grease Points
Run up And Test
Basic +
Powertrim Anodes
Gearbox Anodes
Engine Fuel Filters
Onboard Fuel Filters
Drain Carbs
Check Fuel Contamination
Engine Oil And Filter Change
Drive Belts Checked
Spark Plugs Replaced (W/A)
Basic + Intermediate +
Fuel & Air Pressure Test
Carb Clean On Two Stroke
Additional Cost On Some Four
Stroke Engines
Powerhead Anodes
Thermostat Remove & Test
Check Timing
Fuel Pump Diaphragms
Powerhead Bolts Clean & Grease
Inline Oil Filters (DFI)
Air Filter
Water Strains Intake & Powerhead
Clean Out VST (W/A)
Plug In Diagnostics (W/A)
Some aspects may vary depending on make/model of your engine.
Please note you may not need everything in this breakdown but you will only be charged for what we have used.